UV Chamber of Commerce Launches Young Entrepreneurs Academy in Utah Valley Classrooms

UV Chamber of Commerce Launches Young Entrepreneurs Academy in Utah Valley Classrooms
Applications for Student Entrepreneurs are Now Available
PROVO, Utah, July 08, 2013 – The Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce (www.thechamber.org) in partnership with the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!™) and Utah County Academy of Sciences (UCAS) today announced it is sponsoring in Utah Valley the YEA! Educational program, which takes participating students in grades six through 12 through the process of starting and running a real business. Applications are now open for students who want to participate.
During the program, students work closely with local business leaders to cultivate and research business ideas, write a business plan, pitch their plan to a panel of investors – similar to the Shark Tank TV show – obtain funding, develop their brand, participate in a trade show at the end of the year, and actually launch their enterprise. YEA! literally helps student entrepreneurs become business owners and operators.
To participate, students in grades six through 12 with their parents need to fill out an application. Prior business experience is not required. The deadline for applications is Aug. 1. The after school program will be held at UCAS on the Utah Valley University campus on Thursdays from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The YEA! academic year begins in Oct. and ends in May. In addition, students will need to:
·       Provide a current school transcript.
·       Provide a letter of recommendation written by a teacher, guidance counselor, religious or community leader.
·       Provide a written essay.
·       Pay a $10 application fee.
·       Participate in a personal interview.
“We are very excited to participate in the national movement to make experiential entrepreneurship education available to youth all across our country by bringing YEA! to Utah,” said Donna Milakovic, executive vice president of Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce. “Programs such as this help students sharpen their entrepreneurial spirits by teaching them what they need to know to take their ideas from concept to real businesses.”
The program will be implemented through local schools including higher education institutions.
“The entire community is on board with our school’s plans to launch the program this fall,” said Cameron Martin of Utah Valley University. “We are urging all local business leaders to become involved with the program and act as mentors to these student entrepreneurs.”
By partnering with YEA!, both large and small companies volunteer their time and services as mentors, to host field trips, lecture and provide other helpful services such as graphic design, web development, legal council etc.
“In the nine years we have offered the YEA! program, I have had the pleasure of seeing hundreds of students start their own enterprises,” said Gayle Jagel, founder and CEO of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy.  “It’s amazing to see how powerful it is to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in a young person and watch how the lessons they learn in YEA! translate not only to a successful business career, but a successful transition to adulthood and the makings for a fulfilling, successful life.”
More information about YEA! is available on the Utah Valley Chamber YEA Facebook page.
Applications are available at www.thechamber.org. Questions about the program can also be directed to yea@thechamber.org.
About the Young Entrepreneurs Academy
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is an educational program that takes students in grades six through 12 through the process of starting and running real businesses over the course of a full academic year. By the end of the class, students own and operate fully functioning businesses that can be carried on after graduation. Students learn to make a job – not just take a job! YEA!’s direct mission is to help students embrace their passion, energy, creativity and talents, launch a venture, and view entrepreneurship as synonymous with success and freedom. In 2008, YEA! spun-off from the University of Rochester, where it was formed in 2004 with support from the Kauffman Foundation. YEA! Inc. is currently launching sites in colleges, universities and high schools across the country making the program available to students at a variety of geographical regions. For more information call 585.272.3535 or visit www.yeausa.org
About the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce
For over 130 years, the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce has strived to stimulate valley-wide business establishment, growth, and development by facilitating business-to-business and business-to-community relationships. By utilizing the four main arms of the Chamber:  Networking, Community Involvement, Business Education and Government Relations (public policy); and through weekly, monthly and yearly events, Chamber membership connects businesses to other businesses and to the community. For more information call 801-851-2555 or visit www.thechamber.org

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