Thursday Aug 17, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM MDT
Free for all members and their guests (Limit 2 guests per member)
Amy Martinez
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On August 17th, we will host our August Connection Series Luncheon at the Marriott Hotel & Conference Center in Provo, UT.
From 12pm to 1:30pm we will have the opportunity to hear from Robert Spendlove who has served in the Utah House of Representatives as the Republican Representative from District 49 since January 2014.
He is the Executive Appropriations Vice Chair, and has also served on many House committees such as: Health and Human Services, House Revenue & Taxation, International Relations & Trade, and the Public Education Appropriates Subcommittee.
A few of his other contributions have been as: an Adjunct Faculty member for Public Policy & Administration at the University of Utah, a member of the Board of Directors for Envision Utah, Past Chair of the Governor's Council of Economic Advisors, and Past President of the Wasatch Front Economic Forum.
His research interests are primarily in the areas of macroeconomics, demographics, financial markets and public policy.
Robert Spendlove is also the Economic and Public Policy Officer for Zion's Bank.
Please come join us for this opportunity to connect with others, and learn more from Rep. Spendlove!